Rob Hobart

Author, Game Designer

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Heroes of Rokugan I

Heroes of Rokugan II

L5R Homebrew

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Download Nishari Cert
Download Foxwife Cert
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Download Haunted by Nishari Cert
Download Sora Cert

Heated Discussion was a unique thing within HoR2 – a normal, freely-distributable module that was nonetheless a LARP and could only be played as such. It was born out of the difficulty of coming up with module ideas for the Sincerity and Courtesy virtues of Bushido. After much discussion, Claudia and I finally came up jointly with the idea of handling both Virtues at once in a LARP scenario. The PCs would be serving under the authority of two abusive, capricious high-ranking Imperial authorities: Miya Shikan and the newly-appointed Imperial Chancellor, Otomo Kazuma. (Earlier Interactives had determined that a new Chancellor would be named in defiance of Shikan's obstruction, and a regional Interactive at GenCon OZ had selected Kazuma for the office.) The two would be waging a political game with each other, ordering around and tormenting lesser samurai -- who were selected whenever possible for being personally in sympathy with the opposing side. In order to ensure the PCs would have to endure all this abuse with Honor, we set it up as the PCs having been assigned by their lords to serve the two Imperials: “You will serve him as you would serve me.”

The introduction of Otomo Kazuma (uncle of the mysteriously reclusive Otomo daimyo) brought a significant change to the campaign’s political dynamic, since Miya Shikan now had to contend with a serious rival for his influence – a rival, moreover, who was a traditional Otomo and therefore wanted the opposite of what Shikan wanted. Kazuma was a fun character, an old-school Otomo who ruthlessly exploited his power to spread chaos and dissension among the clans, and at this event I physically depicted his rivalry with Shikan by having each of them place Go stones on a board whenever they forced a samurai to dance to their tune. Shikan, of course, was still Shikan – I played him at the CogCon premier of the event and had a blast. (I always wondered how many players picked up on our Go stones schtick, since we didn’t make it obvious.)

In order to make things interesting and keep the scenario from being too one-dimensional, we incorporated a number of sub-plots involving various troublesome lesser NPCs – some of them new, some of them previously established within the campaign. The running theme was that the PCs would have to keep these NPCs from disrupting the event (allowing an unseemly spectacle would be a violation of Courtesy, of course), with each NPC presenting a different sort of challenge.

The final NPC at the event was Nishari herself, now manifesting physically in the humbling form of a mendicant nun; since her presence was subtle and largely unnoticed by anyone who didn’t interact heavily with her, many players did not actually realize this module was part of the Bushido series.

Interestingly, while this event ran fine when I premiered it at CogCon, one of the later run-throughs on the east coast was more problematic – some of the players could not seem to understand what was happening, disobeyed the orders they received from Shikan/Kazuma, and then complained to me when they suffered Honor/Glory penalties at the end of the scenario. I didn’t cut them any slack, especially since the penalties they suffered were actually less than what the module prescribed. The players in question were basically munchkins (albeit ones who role-played fairly well) and dropped out by the end of the campaign, so… *shrug*

Campaign Fiction: Scenes From the Empire, Autumn 1502

This fiction was written as a general update of the state of Rokugan and the plans of the major villains after the events of GenCon (in contrast to the previous fiction, which specifically addressed the outcome of the Siege of Shiro Usagi). Since the point of the story was to show the intentions of the campaign's three main villains (Moto Temujin, Akodo Gintaku, and Shosuro Hido) I wrote it solely from their viewpoints.

The first part (Temujin) subtly reveals that the Last Dark Moto has left the Unicorn Clan to eventually sign up with Gintaku -- this reflected Gintaku's acquisition of the Bloodsword Ambition, which attracted the Dark Moto's attention. The second part likewise reveals that Gintaku has the sword and hints at its true nature. (It may be noted that at this point, Akodo Mako is still himself -- his replacement by the Dark Moto still lies in the future.) Finally, the third part hints that Shosuro Hido knows that Miya Shikan has become a khadi and plans to share that information with Shikan's enemies. The first two parts of the fiction also make reference to various diplomatic agreements forged by PCs at various Interactives, such as the Lion making marriage alliances with the Phoenix.


Castle of the Moto, Autumn 1502

Moto Temujin's eyes narrow, and he sets both hands carefully on the writing desk before him. "What?"

Ide Xhi Shou strokes his thick, chest-length beard with nervous fingers. "As I said, great Khan. When I called at Shiro Shinjo, they informed me Kotoku-san was... gone. The castle guards claim he went out riding two weeks ago and did not return. The scouts hunted for him, of course, and continue to do so, but they have found nothing."

Temujin lifts his hands and laces them together, hunching forward.

"Betrayal?" he mutters. "No, it would not dare."

"Great Khan?"

The Moto lord's gaze snaps back up to the Ide daimyo. "We must keep this secret, lest our enemies sense weakness. Announce that Shinjo Kotoku has gone on musha shugyo, to seek his roots in the Burning Sands. That should buy us a couple of years, more than enough time."

"As you command, great Khan." Xhi Shou looks thoughtful. "As for the rule of the Shinjo family..."

"We shall require a regent," Temujin nods. He closes his eyes for a moment in thought. "Shinjo Najamura."

"The governor of Kouryo Province?"

"Yes. He is loyal, and he can trace his bloodline to Shono through his grandmother. That should be sufficient." Temujin leans back, gesturing dismissal. "See to it, Ide-san. And send in the generals."

The Ide daimyo bows and leaves the room. A moment later, a half-dozen men enter the chamber. Temujin lifts a sheaf of papers from his desk and hands them out the moment the ritual prostrations are complete.

"The orders for this year's winter maneuvers. War in the spring is all but certain, now that Gojiro has shattered the Herald's peace. Our troops must be ready." "And what of these... maneuvers... we have announced with the Dragon and Lion, Great Khan?"

Temujin nods. "Send the Seventh Legion of the Junghar."

The generals share glances with each other. "That is... a reserve unit, Great Khan."

"Just so. We would not wish our enemies to know our true strength, would we? Better for them to think us weak." Temujin grins like a wolf, and his generals answer him with smiles equally predatory.


The Castle of the Swift Sword, Autumn 1502

Akodo Gintaku stands in the window of his castle's upper chamber, looking out on the lands of his Clan. He holds a wakizashi in his left hand, lifting it up to the afternoon sunlight. After a moment he runs his fingertips along the wave-pattern in the gleaming steel, as gently as another man might touch a lover.

"Soto," he says, voice flat and hard as iron.

"Yes, honored father?"

Gintaku turns back into the room, facing his kneeling son. "War is coming. You must take a wife, to strengthen our position."

"Of course, honored father." The young man hesitates a moment, then continues, "But are you sure there will be war? The Imperial Herald--"

The third man in the room speaks, his voice cutting across Soto's words like a knife. "The Herald's power is broken," Akodo Mako says. "The Beast shattered it along with the walls of Shiro Usagi. He will spend the winter scrambling like a monkey, and accomplish nothing."

Soto bows. "My apologies, honored father, Mako-sama. Who then should I marry?"

"A Phoenix would be best, if we can use it to bring them to a full and final commitment," Gintaku replies. "They have tried to play both sides for too long -- time to force a choice. If not them, then most likely a Crab, to secure Gojiro's cooperation. He has two younger sisters."

Soto swallows, but his voice remains even. "As you command, of course, honored father."

Gintaku nods. "There are other possibilities. We may yet be able to shatter the Triple Alliance, now that the Crane have broken their word before the Empire. I have ordered our diplomats to spend the winter assessing all possible options. When spring comes, I will inform you of the final choice."

"Yes, honored father." Soto bows again. "Does the Clan Champion have any expressed preference?"

"Matsu Nimoro-sama has more than enough to occupy his time. I shall handle these matters on his behalf. Now, begone. There are things I must discuss with Mako-san in private." Akodo Soto makes his prostrations and departs. Gintaku waits until the nightengale floor tells him the boy has left the hall outside, then turns to Mako. "Is it ready, anniki?" "The troops are already in place, anniki, with all the equipment needed. I leave this evening to join them."

"Go then, anniki. I rely on your loyalty." Akodo Gintaku watches his comrade leave, then looks once more at the wakizashi in his hand. Something that might be a smile tugs at one corner of his mouth.


A Chamber Beneath Nihai Tower, Autumn 1502

Six men kneel around a bloated figure in a half-lit chamber.

"The sword is... no longer in reach, for now," the swollen form wheezes, each breath like the sound of air drawn through wet paper. "Matters are... coming to a head with our... partners. Soon all our strength...will be needed in the capital."

One of the kneeling men speaks, voice soft as silk. "What of other operations?"

"End... all tasks which are not essential. We have... lost too many recruits in these... recent fiascoes." The swollen man's voice shakes, acidic with rage. "We have been... too confident. Matters are so close to a finish... we must be prepared to take advantage... no matter which way things turn. No more mistakes."

"And the Herald?"

"He has made many enemies. Help them... find what needs to be found."

"It shall be as you wish, Spider-sama." The figures bow and withdraw, leaving Shosuro Hido alone in the stifling darkness of his lair.